


种植者迈克·阿米奥特(左),来自美国内务部.D., works with agronomist Ryon Berry to choose adjuvants that help herbicides perform well in cool, 潮湿的春季条件.


杂草控制的世界每个季节都有新的挑战. More herbicide-tolerant and -resistant species mean constant adjustments to herbicide selection, 应用利率, 控制技术和佐剂的选择.  

Brian Kuehl和他在CHS的农艺产品开发团队, finding the best way to tackle those adjustments is a management challenge of its own. 

有些年份,可能的产品解决方案似乎很长. To whittle the list of options to a manageable number and help prioritize the greatest crop protection needs for the coming years, 这个团队求助于一群亲力亲为的专家:合作澳门皇冠赌场平台家. 

“每12月, we hold a product discovery meeting with agronomists from around the country to discuss major crop protection product issues,库尔说. “我们问他们哪些佐剂效果好, 目前的产品阵容中哪些是没有的,哪些是缺失的. 我们让他们投票选出他们最想看到的产品. 然后我们的开发团队将重点放在前五个方面.” 

After identifying which adjuvant active ingredients have historically been most effective with certain herbicides and helpful for resolving specific spray application issues, Kuehl和他的团队开始开发新的配方. 

这是他们多年来一直使用的方法, 它还生产了CHS佐剂系列的最新产品: CHS水平最佳™专业. 2022赛季开始, Level Best Pro的配方是为了增加吸收, 除草剂的转运和有效性, 屈尔说. “Level Best Pro的使用率很低, provides excellent handling characteristics and improves weed control of many herbicides, 包括草甘膦和草铵膦. 这些都是澳门皇冠赌场平台家告诉我们他们真正想看到的东西.” 


  1. 澳门皇冠赌场平台家调查确定需求 
  2. 最重要的需求
  3. 选择用于田间试验的化合物 
  4. 审查现场数据/选择最佳化合物 
  5. 创建品牌名称和产品定位 
  6. 提交的州注册 
  7. 制定营销计划 
  8. 生产和包装确定 
  9. 新产品推出 


原始的Level Best公式, 2018年推出, was developed to help herbicides be more effective on tough weeds with herbicide tolerance or resistance issues, 屈尔说. 

“种植者需要使用更多的除草剂来控制杂草, so originally we focused on identifying which adjuvant active ingredients were most effective, 尤其是草甘膦. 结果是Level Best, 非离子表面活性剂, 水调理剂和沉积助剂,显著提高喷雾覆盖率, 渗透和附着力,他说. 

The adjuvant has impressed growers in the central South Dakota trade area of CHS River Plains, 澳门皇冠赌场平台家Ryon Berry说. “他们现在要求‘最佳水平’的名称与草甘膦一起使用. Level Best不断提高草甘膦对杂草的有效性, 包括kochia, 已经显示出一些除草剂抗性.” 

Level Best also seems to improve herbicide activity in less-than-ideal spraying conditions, 说内部, S.D.Mike Amiotte说. “这里的春天凉爽多风. 与草甘膦一起使用Level Best无疑改善了我们对烧毁杂草的控制. 鉴于目前草甘膦的高成本,我不会在没有Level Best的情况下喷洒草甘膦.” 


“We were also looking for an active ingredient that worked with the herbicide glufosinate,库尔说. “一年后,我们迎来了一个‘顿悟时刻’, when we identified an active ingredient that worked with both glyphosate and glufosinate. That’s when we started to work on formulas with different active ingredient ratios for what would become Level Best Pro.” 

Six formulations were tested during the 2019 growing season in a large number of field trials conducted by CHS and third-party researchers at universities and private companies around the country, 在各种不同的生长条件下生长. 

“We had minimum parameters for many adjuvant characteristics and were specifically looking to increase leaf cuticle penetration and reduce surface tension to improve herbicide efficacy on tough weeds, 包括苋菜, 普通的豚草和羊蹄草,库尔说. “从所有这些数据中, we chose the formula that performed the best across most conditions and had no major weaknesses.” 

That formula went through two years of widespread field trials in 2020 and 2021 across the Upper Midwest. CHS River Plains, with 15 locations in central South Dakota, was one cooperative that hosted trials. Kochia, 在合作社的贸易区域内,马房和羔羊房是巨大的杂草挑战, 澳门皇冠赌场平台家康纳·希曼说, 谁在塞尔比附近工作, S.D. “Preemergence herbicide applications don’t always work here due to our limited rainfall. We’ve also seen a lot of glyphosate resistance develop in those key weed species, especially kochia. 

“Our initial co-op trials with the original Level Best formulation showed it consistently helped herbicides work faster, 所以杂草早死了几天,他回忆说,与含有其他佐剂的其他除草剂混合物相比. “在去年的审判中, Level Best Pro在该领域的表现同样出色, 而且也有更好的操控特性.” 


The growing portfolio of proprietary crop protection products offered by CHS contains more than adjuvants. 该服务包括种子处理, additives and soil amendments formulated to help make the most of a grower’s investment in seed and crop protection products. 

Surfactants; penetrants; deposition aids; wetting, drift control and antifoaming agents; spreaders; water conditioners; and crop oil concentrates  


Chelates and chelated solutions and additives that make key nutrients and micronutrients more available to the plant


种植者可能最熟悉喷雾佐剂和种子处理, 瑞恩·哈格曼说, CHS技术专员兼业务拓展经理 for the western United States, 但最有增长潜力的领域是生物制品. “We had more than 20 biological products on our list for field-test consideration last year. 看了农作物的使用情况, 实用性和潜在价值各有不同, 我们对它们进行了评级,并在今年进行了五次实地试验.” 


Hundreds of research trials yield millions of data points to be analyzed and combed through each fall. 

“我们总是将新的实验产品与现有产品进行比较,瑞恩·哈格曼说, CHS技术专员兼业务拓展经理. “它的表现是否优于现有产品?? 它在多个地区表现良好吗? 它是否有独特的契合度? If the answers are ‘yes,’ that formula will probably go through another year of field trials. Fully 90% of crop protection products go through two to three years of field trials before graduating to cooperative test plots.” 

经过三四年的实地试验, 有一种产品常常脱颖而出, 屈尔说, “although sometimes it takes a fifth year of data before we feel confident enough to begin commercialization.” 



“每个人都可以提出建议, 但是最终的决定权落在了营销人员和产品经理身上,库尔说. 接下来是写标签, 完成所有的使用说明, 这可能需要几周或几个月的时间, 视产品而定.” 

The state registration process is often lengthy, with requirements varying by state. “有些州行动相对较快,很容易合作, while others may require label rewrites to satisfy state-specific rules and regulations, 以及对这些规章制度的解释,他说. “在一些州,这可能会增加几个月的时间.” 

与此同时, a product management team works with chemical suppliers and formulators to determine ingredient and manufacturing costs, 产品将如何生产,在哪里生产,如何包装. 

When everything finally comes together and a new adjuvant is put to work controlling weeds in farm fields, 这通常是四到六年过程的高潮, 屈尔说. 在《皇冠hga010安卓二维码》中, 我们能把它压缩到三年之内, 这很神奇.”  


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