


作为一名训练有素的机械师,乔·里德尔一眼就能看出质量. 他家族的柴油卡车车队, 拖拉机, 装载机和更多的燃料测试在他们的10,000英亩的牛和农作物经营.


作者:Megan Gosch

The old milkhouse 和 sprawling fields are still there but make no mistake: The Ridl operation you’ll find in Dickinson, N.D.今天的美国看起来与一个世纪前大不相同——这是有充分理由的.


What began as a small dairy 和 hog farm in the late 1920s has transformed into a diverse crop 和 cattle operation spanning 10,000英亩. 着眼于未来的方法是该行动长期成功的关键.

“我们的世界和行业变化如此之快, 如果你害怕适应,你的生意不会长久,阿特·里德尔说, a third-generation producer who took the helm of the family operation with his brother, 库尔特, 在20世纪80年代. “我的父亲和祖父为我们的经营打下了坚实的基础, 但我们一路走来所做的改变正在帮助我们今天的成长.”

这些天, you’ll find Holstein steers 和 nearly 250 registered Angus cows where dairy cattle once grazed. 亚麻英亩数, 燕麦, 油菜, 大豆和鹰嘴豆已被春小麦所取代, 麦芽大麦, 玉米, 向日葵和干草.

当他的儿子, 乔和罗斯蒂, 都够大了,能帮上忙吗, Ridl tapped the technical expertise of the next generation to bring data-driven solutions to the operation, 从高性能的种子到每头牛出售时提供的DNA档案.

“We’re always experimenting 和 trying new things to stay a few steps ahead,他说. “We have to stay proactive to make sure we’re finding opportunities that will keep us moving forward.”


One thing hasn’t changed: The Ridls’ dependence on Cenex® premium diesel fuel to keep their operation humming.

“从我记事起,我们就一直在使用Cenex优质柴油,里德尔说。, 但他很快注意到,历史并不能推动他的购买决定. 对里德尔来说,表现是最重要的.


Creation of EPA emissions st和ards in the 20th century spurred advancements in engine technology 和 the fuel that powers it.


第一层: The first federal st和ards for new off-road diesel engines are adopted in 1994 和 phased in from 1996 to 2000.


第二层 法规限制精炼燃料中的硫.

第三层 regulations set new tailpipe 和 evaporative emission st和ards beginning with 2017 vehicles, 加上新的燃油标准.


第四层 st和ards require emissions of particulate matter (PM) 和 nitrous oxide (NOx) to be reduced by about 90% using technology like advanced exhaust gas aftertreatment systems.


加州空气澳门皇冠赌场平台委员会举行了第一次公开研讨会 第五层 emission st和ards to further reduce PM 和 NOx emissions by an additional 50 to 90% by 2028-2030.


环保局制定了最终规则 第五层 emission st和ards to further reduce air pollution from heavy-duty vehicles 和 engines, 适用于2027年型号的发动机.

“如果没有现成的设备,我们的运营就无法正常进行, 当表演的时候, Cenex优质柴油从未让我们失望,他说. “When you see consistent performance day in 和 day out without hiccups, that speaks volumes. 这就是我需要的品质.”

Ridl uses Cenex Roadmaster XL® premium diesel fuel to power his truck fleet 和 Cenex Ruby Fieldmaster® premium diesel to run his 拖拉机, 挖土机的牌子, 滑动导向装载机和饲草研磨混合机. In cold weather, he counts on Cenex Wintermaster® premium diesel to keep equipment moving.

Joe Ridl is a trained mechanic 和 can easily spot a problematic product when it comes time for a tune-up, 他爸爸说. 当涉及到维护时,他们直接看到了燃料投资的回报.

“如果能带来好处,我们总是愿意尝试新事物, 但我们喜欢这些燃料经得起污垢和正常磨损的能力,里德尔说. “它在现场和维护方面为我们带来了回报,我们不必担心.”


就像里德尔一家, the technical experts behind their go-to Cenex premium diesel fuels are no strangers to innovation.

随着农业经营努力跟上科技的步伐, 塑造农业未来的政策和进步, Cenex br和 experts are evolving premium diesel fuels to meet the needs of producers today 和 fuel the farms of the future.

去年秋天, 经过14个多月的研究, 发展, 测试和分析, CHS皇冠hga010安卓二维码团队发布了下一代Cenex优质柴油燃料. The enhanced formula includes an additive package engineered not only to boost power, 公路和非公路设备的性能和发动机保护, 还要预测和应对未来发动机技术的挑战.

“自我们更新我们的综合添加剂包以来,已经有10年了,Erin Wroge说, CHS精炼燃料高级产品经理. 在那段时间里, we’ve seen an evolution in diesel engine technology to meet the changing st和ards designed to provide better fuel economy 和 reduce emissions.”

Since the previous generation of Cenex premium diesel fuel was launched in 2012, the U.S. 美国环境保护署(EPA)推出了第四层排放标准, 发动机技术也随之调整. Policy discussions to implement newly released 第五层 st和ards are already underway. The updated Cenex premium diesel formula was designed with stricter emission regulations in mind to ensure users are prepared when those new st和ards come into play.

“This is a chance to get out ahead of what’s coming down the pike within the industry 和 to build on the superior performance Cenex premium diesel provides,Wroge说。. “We know a major focus will be lowering emissions 和 we proactively planned for that in this updated formula, 但我们也抓住机会提高燃油效率, enhance performance 和 help users get the most out of their equipment 和 fuel investments.”

Art 和 Joe Ridl st和 next to large red tractor while talking with a Cenex certified energy specialist
艺术Ridl, 左, 和他的儿子乔, 正确的, 与当地的认证皇冠hga010安卓二维码专家Jared Bookhardt合作, center, 确保燃料供应,为它们的多样化运作提供动力. “这项行动及其设备已经得到了改进, 但Cenex®燃料一直保持同步,布克哈特说。. “这是一个持续不断的变化.”



  • an advanced aggressive detergency package for better overall engine health 和 a cleaner environment for efficient consumption
  • a two-phase total water management system to keep water 和 contaminants out of storage tanks 和 fueling systems
  • 最大的过滤性和改善的生物稳定性
  • 平衡、完全的燃油燃烧,实现卓越的燃油经济性

这些增强功能一起工作, 超清洁的喷油器和气缸使燃料得到更好的利用, putting less strain on the exhaust aftertreatment system 和 requiring fewer regenerations. 当燃料保持清洁时, it flows efficiently through all components for more balanced combustion 和 reduced downtime.

“客户的成功是我们所做一切的核心,”Wroge说. “如果设备没有启动和运行,它对他们没有任何好处. 这种增强的配方为客户提供了保护, 他们每天从事的艰苦工作需要力量和精确度, 让他们远离观望,继续前进.”


的新增强公式 Cenex Roadmaster XL®Cenex®Ruby Fieldmaster® premium diesel fuels feature nine comprehensive benefits to keep engines running cleaner, 更长更强. 方法如下:

  1. 先进的强力清洗剂套装 分解有害的发动机沉积物, 清理并清除注入器沉积物, 提高燃油经济性.
  2. 两相全水澳门皇冠赌场平台系统 从燃料中分离水, 允许重力将水拉到水箱底部,以便排水, 然后将剩余的可忽略的水封装起来,以便安全通过.
  3. 最大的过滤性和增强的生物稳定性 保护设备免受污染,延长燃料储存寿命, 减少燃料降解, 保持喷油器和油泵畅通, 最大限度地提高燃油效率.
  4. 减少排气缸温度偏差 优化燃料均匀燃烧在所有气缸完全燃烧, 产生的烟尘更少, 延长发动机寿命, leads to fewer regenerations 和 minimizes wear 和 tear on the exhaust aftertreatment system.
  5. 喷射和燃烧优化 防止焦化和内部柴油喷油器沉积, 同时减少过滤器和喷油器的维修和更换.
  6. 贮存稳定性 reduces gum 和 varnish buildup 和 preserves fuel integrity to optimize combustibility.
  7. 腐蚀保护 防止生锈, 腐蚀和腐蚀引起的泄漏, 同时减缓天然柴油因氧气暴露而降解的速度. 
  8. 改善润滑 提供10-15%的润滑性,并保护喷油器和燃油泵免受磨损. 
  9. 十六烷值高 改善寒冷天气的开始, 产生更少的排放和更少的再生, 并减少对排气后处理系统的磨损.  

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